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Kriegjournal #4

Summer 2001

I was playing at a new field, one that is much larger that the one I was a regular at last year. It reminded me of the days when I was first playing with lots of room to maneuver and plenty of natural cover.

I intended to take my Sheridan KP-3 pump gun into one game but, in an effort to bring the velocity up over-pressured the chamber and caused it to leak. I didn't have time to work on the springs again before the next game so I had to fall back to the rental semi.

As the game progressed, I moved out and came upon someone hiding in a bunker with his back to me. Because his back was to me, I thought perhaps he was on my team facing the enemy position but I finally saw the armband that confirmed his opposing allegiance.

I took aim and let off a quick string of five round and, as he ducked, I watched all the balls curve in one direction or another, striking everywhere but the intended target. There were a few more exchanges of fire before I got nailed in the forehead and was out.

I was unhappy knowing that if I had the pump gun I would have placed the scope crosshairs in the center of his back, pulled the trigger once, and had him.

I did have the pump out the next game and a few after that but didn't have any opportunity to take any shots. The thing about having a pump gun in a field of semis is that you play much more conservatively. You can't afford to get in a firefight with the firepower disparity between semis and pumps.

There has been talk from time to time about having all-pump games but nothing's come of it so far. -- Revised: 27 May 2002
Copyright © 2002 Kevin A. Geiselman

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