I am not someone who is quick to anger but your"memorandum" has done just that. It goes beyond simple criticism of my writing style or the subject material and descends into an offensive and personal attack.
How dare you tell me what my writing should be. Your assault shows that you have a monolithic view of what Science Fiction is and what constitutes good Science Fiction. Anything that does not conform to your view, does not advance some "moral of the story" or does not investigate some sort of inner humanity is something less than Science Fiction and is not worthy of the title.
How dare you insist that "true" Science Fiction "ultimately uplift humankind". Never mind that the main character of "Dear Kordite" isn't human; how dare you predefine the objectives of any author's work.
How dare you tell me what is or is not Klingon. "Write only what you know about," indeed! You, who have admittedly not "properly researched your material," how dare you presume to tell me how I should portray a fictional character.
If I must justify my Klingon experience, I have been a fan of the Klingons since the early 70s when I first saw John Collicos as Kor. I have studied the Soviet Union (in the process of earning a degree in Political Science), Roddenberry's original model for the Klingon culture. I have a shelf full of books on the Mongols of the 13th Century and Feudal Japan, Terran cultures that have played a major part in development of the Klingon codes. I have written many essays and short stories about Klingons. I am writing a Klingon Encyclopedia. I design and hand craft Klingon weapons, jewelry and uniforms. I've become proficient in prosthetic make-up. I am a member of the Klingon Language Institute. I am a member of the Klingon Assault Group, an international Klingon fan club. My activities in that club, raising moneys for charities, making public appearances, promoting fandom and Science Fiction in general have earned me a position of leadership. The rank of Lieutenant Commander was earned through service and hard work. I discuss things Klingon with other fans throughout the world and my reputation is of the highest caliber. My duty, my word and my honor have garnered the respect of friends and enemies. How dare you say I don't know what I'm writing about.
How dare you presume to tell me what my intention was. I did not write this to make you laugh, to make you think, to offend you, to uplift you or meet any of your preconceived "proper expectations." I did not write this for you. 1 wrote this, and everything else I write, for me and my own pleasure. The sheer love of writing, crafting words to make my mind-eye visible. ln many cases such as this one, someone thought my writing was good enough for them to publish so that others might read and perhaps enjoy. If you did not "get it" then that is of no concern to me.
How dare you tell me what is honor. Specifically, what is honorable to a Klingon. Klingons are not Humans, why should they conform to your Western concept of honor? They were originally modeled on the "Evil Empire" of the Cold War Soviet Union. Later, they acquired a good deal of Samurai influence from Feudal Japan. These cultures practiced a code of honor that Westerners describe as barbaric or inhuman, yet their code is even more strict than what any Westerner call honor. Even so, those cultures are merely models for the Klingons. The Klingons are not the Soviets or the Feudal Japanese.
How dare you inflict your moral views upon me, equating my fictional article with some sort of "psychopathic" or (I don't know where this conclusion came from) "psychosexual" tendencies.
How dare you claim to be a "friend" of PARSEC. You have never paid dues, never attended a meeting, never gotten to know me or anyone else here at PARSEC. If you had, it is possible that you might know me and would understand. At the very least you might have shown a small amount of courtesy.
How dare you claim to be a friend of PARSEC and then personally attack one of its members. Many in PARSEC are writers and your overtly personal attack on me opens the very real possibility that your ire could descend upon any other author who does not meet your "proper expectations."
One thing you did do correctly and had every right to do so is not to read the article to your son. If you find it offensive then, as a parent, it is your responsibility to control what your child is exposed to. In doing so, I believe you have missed an opportunity to teach your son critical thinking, an object lesson of sorts. But your letter presumes to tell me that I should not have written what I did or PARSEC should not have published it because it is a so-called "family friendly." These are the dark stirrings of censorship and are never acceptable under any guise.
Justice, in my opinion, is something there is far to little of in today's society. So that I might find some measure of justice and recover my honor from your unwarranted personal attack, I challenge you. Get down off your elitist pedestal and actually come to a meeting. Take the risk of meeting me face-to-face and speaking the high-moralistic words you so carefully crafted "from the heart." Meet other writers who are as offended as I am at your presumption to define for all what is Science Fiction. Come out from behind the protective cover of your "memorandum" and expose your views to the light of discourse and debate. If they cannot stand against the challenge of others opinions then they are without substance
I don't know if you expected me to ignore your insulting "memorandum" but you have thrown down a gauntlet of sorts. This challenge cannot go unmet. I have picked up the gauntlet, the next choice is yours.
(signed) Kevin A. Geiselman
And then, almost unexpectedly, I receive a response!
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http://www.tasigh.org/kordite/memo2.html -- Revised: 18 May 2002 Copyright © 1997, 2002 Kevin A. Geiselman |