'Iw tujvetlh tach - Hot Blood Bar http://sajqa.webhostme.com/chat1.htm |
SajQa', CO of the Sharp Justice, also maintains this chat room. There is no set schedule but if you drop by, chances are good that someone will be there or happen along. | |
The Warrior's Inn http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/9426/ warriorsinnchat.html |
After a long absence, the Warrior's Inn chatroom is again open for business. | |
Klingon Language Institute Training MUSH telnet://mush.kli.org:2218 |
The Klingon Language Institute has a place for the on-line discussion and practice of the Klingon language.
Klingon Imperial Weapons Guild http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/kiwg |
The Klingon Imperial Weapons Guild is devoted to the fine art of Klingon weapon making and has recently moved their chats and discussion group to Yahoo.
Spirit of Kronos's Klingon Language Chat http://www.qnis.net/~Klingon/Spirit_of_Kronos/chat.htm |
A place to learn and practice tlhIngan Hol |
ELINT Fleet Mailing List elintfleet@listserve.kagusa.org |
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E-Corps Mailing List majordomo@mail.kahless-ro.org |
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KAG Counsel Mailing List majordomo@mail.kahless-ro.org |
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Demon Fleet Mailing List http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/demonfleet |
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Usenet Newsgroup: alt.startrek.klingon | This newsgroup should be awash with Klingons and Klingon discussions but the pickings are actually kind of sparse. Anyone want to lead an ELINT Fleet patrol to Usenet? |
Klingon Warriors Mailing List http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/klingonwarriors |
Captain Ka'Vid of the IKV Blood Sword (KLAS) maintains a list for the discussion of all things Klingon, regardless of club affiliation. |
Clan Sto-Vo-Kor http://www.unscene.com/stovokor/ |
A Quake clan that gets together to play Quake and Quake2 against other teams. |
Clan Pok http://www.clanpok.com |
Another Quake Clan. |
Soldiers of the Quake Empire http://www.fyi.net/~kordite/quake/klinquak.htm |
Not strictly a game-playing site but there are many Klingon skins to be imported into Quake2 for Deathmatch play. (Shameless plug brought to you by the ELINT Fleet Commander.) |
The Authorized Klin Zha Homepage http://www.fyi.net/~kordite/klinzha.htm |
The Klin Zha site has several methods for playing the game on-line including e-mail coordinates and a Tcl board that interacts in real time. There is also a chat room for coordinating games. (Another shameless plug) |
Starfleet Academy | Romulans and Feddies each have a "fleet" on Heat.net for playing Interplay's "Starfleet Academy". Is there anyone with any interest in starting a Klingon fleet or otherwise playing over the internet? |
Klingon Academy | The Interplay game "Klingon Academy" is due out this summer. I would hope that we could set up fleets to compete over the Internet. You can download the demo version. ka_demo.exe (84.2Mb) |
Starfleet Command | Based on the venerable Star Fleet Battles, Interplay's "Starfleet Command" is ship-to-ship combat that demands a Klingon presence. |
WBS Klingon Empire http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/8075/Empire/empire.html |
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Klingon Defense Force Sim Group http://www.kdfs.net |
IKV Punisher PBeM http://members.xoom.com/ikv_punisher/intro.html |
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KDF QInwIH IRC RPG irc.starchat.net Port 6667 #QInwIH |
The Duras Sister's Alien Pub of Sin http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/ durassistersalienpubofsin |
An ongoing, tag-team storyline with the potential for adult themes. | |
TrekMUSH Klingon Empire http://www.trekmush.org/~klingon/index.html |
Klingon Imperial Simming Organization http://kiso.spylink.net |
A DALnet based IRC sim. There is also an e-mail sim. |
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http://www.tasigh.org/elint/activi.html -- Revised: 27 May 2002 Copyright © 2002 Kevin A. Geiselman |